Yoga as complementary care in correctional facilities

Yoga practice in Swedish correctional facilities started in 2002. It became recognized as a national assignment in 2008 and was named “Krimyoga”.

In 2017 (reference), we published the first results showing that regular yoga practice is associated with

  • increased impulse control 
  • sustained attention,
  • and decreased antisocial behaviour in incarcerated people

In 2018 (reference), we published evidence that incarcerated people who participate in yoga classes significantly improved their mental health.

And in 2019 (reference), we could publish the third piece of the analysis.

This study is the first to provide evidence of regular yoga exercise’s positive effects on incarcerated people’s personality dimensions. More specifically, their character maturity.

This could be measured by an increased level of self-acceptance, purposefulness, and sense of responsibility, which are qualities that

  • promote a more peaceful and safer environment in the correctional settings,
  • but also, can provide a foundation for the developing of a prosocial lifestyle upon release.