
  • Kerekes., N. Söderström., A., Holmberg., C, Hedman Ahlström., B.
    Yoga for Children and Adolescents: A Decade-Long Integrative Review on Feasibility and Efficacy in School-Based and Psychiatric Care Interventions. Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4767729
  • Kerekes., N. (2024) Exploring the impact of trauma-adapted yoga in forensic psychiatry. Psychiatry Research, 335, 115879,
    doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115879
  • Kerekes., N. (2021) Yoga as Complementary Care for Young People Placed in Juvenile Institutions—A Study Plan. Front. Psychiatry 12:575147. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.575147
  • Kerekes., N, Brändström., S, and Nilsson., T. (2019) Imprisoning Yoga: Yoga Practice May Increase the Character Maturity of Male Prison Inmates. Front. Psychiatry 10:406. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00406
  • Sfendla., A, Malmström., P, Torstensson., S. and Kerekes., N. (2018) Yoga Practice Reduces the Psychological Distress Levels of Prison Inmates. Front. Psychiatry 9:407. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00407
  • Kerekes., N, Fielding., C. and Apelqvist., S. (2017) Yoga in Correctional Settings: A Randomized Controlled Study. Front. Psychiatry 8:204. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00204

Academical Works

  • Söderström, Alexandra & Holmberg, Christine: Yoga for children and youth with mental illness. (2023) Advanced Level Specialized Nursing Program with a focus on Psychiatric Care, University West. DIVA

Press releases

First in the world to evaluate trauma-informed yoga in forensic psychiatry

Could yoga save prisoners from a life of crime?

Traumaanpassad yoga inom rättspsykiatrin 

Yoga for children and adolescents with psychiatric conditions

 Kan yoga hjälpa barn och unga med ADHD?

Yoga kan leda till förändringar i hjärnan